
SDI ID Manufacturer Model Description Version Vintage Q. ty Sales Conditions Lead Time
103512 Applied Materials RAIDER ECD Copper Electroplating System 300 mm 31.05.2005 1 as is where is
103513 Applied Materials RAIDER ECD Copper Electroplating System 300 mm 01.05.2006 1 as is where is
112104 Applied Materials Electra Cu ECD Copper Electroplating with mainframe, 1 x loadport and 3 x ECD cells 300 mm 01.06.2000 1 as is where is
112252 NEXX Stratus S300 ECD Electroplating 300 mm 01.06.2009 1 as is where is
108475 Novellus SABRE 3D ECD (Electro Chemical Deposition) 300 mm 1 as is where is
112272 Novellus Sabre Extreme ECD Electroplating 300 mm 01.06.2008 1 as is where is
112273 Novellus Sabre XT ECD Electroplating 200 mm 01.06.1999 1 as is where is
113977 Novellus / LAM SABRE XT Plating Tool 1 inquire
108202 SEMITOOL EO212PM Cu PLTNG 01.06.1998 1 as is where is
109285 Semitool Equinox Cu Cu Plating tool with 4 plating chambers and 5 preclean chambers 200 mm 01.06.1999 1 as is where is immediately
112291 Semitool Raider ECD ECD Electroplating 300 mm 01.06.2010 1 as is where is
112292 Semitool Raider ECD312 ECD Electroplating 300 mm 01.06.2011 1 as is where is
114046 Semitool Raider ECD ECD (Electro Chemical Deposition) 300 mm 1 as is where is
114047 Semitool Raider ECD ECD (Electro Chemical Deposition) 300 mm 1 as is where is
114048 Semitool Raider ECD ECD (Electro Chemical Deposition) 300 mm 1 as is where is

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