
Pre-owned and used Photoresist Coat and Development Equipment for sale by fabsurplus.com

Please find below a list of Used Photoresist Coat and Development Equipment for sale by fabsurplus.com .Click on any listed item of Photoresist Coat and Development Equipment to see further data.

SDI ID Manufacturer Model Description Version Vintage Q. ty Sales Conditions Lead Time
113951 Brewer Science 200 Spin Coater 200 mm 1 as is all rebuilt immediately
113952 Brewer Science (CEE) 200 Spin Coater 200 mm 1 inquire
99395 Convac CBA-M-2000-U Photoresist coater 01.01.1995 1 as is where is immediately
106450 Delta 4CJ Photoresist Coater 150 mm/200 mm 01.02.2005 1 as is where is immediately
106451 Delta 5AQ Positive Photoresist Developer 200 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is immediately
91581 DNS SK-80BW AVPE Photoresist Coater and Developer system (2C/2D) 200 mm 31.05.1995 1 as is where is 3 months
93076 DNS SK-200W-AVPF Coater / Developer system (2C/2D) 200 mm 31.05.1997 1 as is where is
93077 DNS SK-200W-BVPE i-Line Photo Track Coater (3C3D) 200 mm 31.05.1997 1 as is where is
106738 DNS DUOI ARF-I TRACK 300 mm 1 as is where is immediately
110628 DNS SCW-80A Coater Lithography Coater and Developer 200 mm 1 as is where is
110629 DNS SDW-80A Developer Lithography Coater and Developer 200 mm 1 as is where is
110630 DNS SK-3000-BVPEU Lithography Coater and Developer 300 mm 1 as is where is
111526 DNS DUO Photoresist Coater and Developer track 300 mm 01.06.2018 1 as is where is
112158 DNS RF-300A Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112159 DNS RF3 Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
113044 DNS SK-80BW-AVPE Coater/ Developer (2C/2D) 200 mm 01.06.1995 1 as is where is
113159 DNS RF3 I-LINE TRACK 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is
113160 DNS RF3S TRACK 300 mm 1 as is where is
106817 DNS / Sokuda RF3S Photoresist coater and developer( 5C5D) track 300 mm 1 as is where is immediately
108220 DNS / SOKUDO RF3 Photoresist Coater and Developer Track 300 mm 01.06.2019 1 inquire immediately
110621 DNS / Sokudo RF3 Lithography Coater and Developer 300 mm 1 as is where is
109581 EVG 101 Photoresist coater and developer 200 mm 01.05.2008 1 as is where is immediately
109596 EVG 101 Photoresist Spray Coater 150 mm 1 inquire
111585 EVG Hercules NIL 200 Nanoimprint Lithography System up to 200 mm 01.06.2016 1 as is where is immediately
114101 EVG 150 Coat and Develop Track 150 mm 1 as is where is
83515 Extraction Systems TMB 150 Photoresist Contamination Monitor System / Total Amine Analyzer Facilities 31.05.2004 1 as is where is immediately
108717 FSI Polaris 3500 Mini Photolithography Track without coaters and developers 300 MM / 200 mm 01.06.2004 1 as is where is immediately
114103 FSI Polaris 2000 Cluster Tool Tracks (Resist Coater/Developer) 150 mm 1 as is where is
114104 FSI Polaris 2000 Cluster Tool Tracks (Resist Coater/Developer) 150 mm 1 as is where is
114105 FSI Polaris 2000 Cluster Tool Tracks (Resist Coater/Developer) 150 mm 1 as is where is
110742 Karl Suss Gamma Photoresist Spray Coater and Developer 200 mm 01.06.2016 6 as is where is
110748 Karl Suss ACS Photoresist Spray Coater and Developer 200 mm 01.06.2021 1 as is where is
114244 Karl Suss GAMMA80 Photoresist Spray Coater 200 mm 1 as is where is immediately
33542 Liebherr FKV 3610 Fridge for the safe storage of photoresist facilities 1 as is where is immediately
108715 Semix Tazmo SOG track 150 mm 1 inquire immediately
110631 Sokudo SK-3000 Lithography Coater and Developer 300 mm 1 as is where is
110632 Sokudo SK-3000 Lithography Coater and Developer 300 mm 1 as is where is
110633 Sokudo SK-3000 Lithography Coater and Developer 300 mm 1 as is where is
110634 Sokudo SK-3000 Lithography Coater and Developer 300 mm 1 as is where is
110635 Sokudo SK-3000 Lithography Coater and Developer 300 mm 1 as is where is
110636 Sokudo SK-3000 Lithography Coater and Developer 300 mm 1 as is where is
73208 Solitec 5110C Manually loading Photoresist Spin Coater 3 to 9 inch 01.09.1998 1 as is where is immediately
109589 Solitec FlexiFab Coater and Developer 150 mm 1 inquire
98497 SUSS ACS200 Photoresist coater and developer track, 1C, 1 D 200 mm 1 as is where is immediately
114245 SUSS ACS200 Photoresist coater track 200 mm 1 as is where is immediately
114246 SUSS ACS200 Photoresist developer track with qty 2 developers 200 mm 1 as is where is immediately
114247 SUSS ACS300 PLUS Photoresist developer 200 mm 1 as is where is immediately
106535 SUSS Microtec ACS200 Automated Photoresist Coater 200 mm 1 as is where is immediately
106536 SUSS Microtec ACS200 Automated Photoresist Coater / Developer 150 mm/200 mm 1 as is where is immediately
106537 SUSS Microtec ACS200 Classic Automated Photoresist Coater - developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is immediately
106538 SUSS Microtec ACS200 Classic Automated Photoresist Coater Track 150 mm/200 mm 1 as is where is immediately
106539 SUSS Microtec ACS200 Plus Automated Photoresist Coater and Developer Track 150 mm/200 mm 1 as is where is immediately
110737 Suss MicroTec Falcon Polyimide Photo-resist Developer Track, 2D 150-200 mm 01.06.1996 1 as is where is immediately
112301 SUSS MicroTec Gamma Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.2011 1 as is where is
112302 SUSS MicroTec Gamma Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.2012 1 as is where is
112303 SUSS MicroTec Gamma Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.2012 1 as is where is
111891 Suss MicroTec (Karl Suss) ACS200 POLYIMIDE Photoresist Coater and Developer track 2C, 1D 200 mm 01.12.2005 1 as is where is immediately
106670 SUSS MICROTECH RC 16 Resist Spin Coater N/A 1 as is where is
106671 SUSS MICROTECH RC 16(RC5) Resist Spin Coater N/A 1 as is where is
106672 SUSS MICROTECH RC 8-ACS 200 Resist Spin Coater 200 mm 1 as is where is
108104 SVG 8626/8636 Coater Track 1 as is where is
108105 SVG 8632-CTD-D Developer Track 1 as is where is
106743 SVS MSX1000 Auto Track 200 mm 1 as is where is
109015 Tazmo/Semix TR 6133UD Photoresist Coater and Developer tRACK, SOG type 100 mm to 150 mm 2 as is where is immediately
111341 TEL (Tokyo Electron Ltd) ACT 8 (Parts) Carrier Send Block, SMIF 200 mm 01.06.2001 1 as is where is immediately
86253 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON 2985-429208-W4 ACT 12 2985-429208-W4 ADH SUB UNIT BASE ASSY ADHESIVE MODULE 300 mm 1 as is where is immediately
103622 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS SINGLE BLOCK 2C/3D system (for NIKON S308) 300 mm 31.05.2006 1 as is where is
103623 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS SINGLE BLOCK (for NIKON S205) 300 mm 31.05.2006 1 as is where is
103626 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS High Reliability and Productivity Coater Developer 300 mm 1 as is where is
103631 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS High Reliability and Productivity Coater Developer 300 mm 31.05.2005 1 as is where is
103632 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS High Reliability and Productivity Coater Developer 300 mm 31.05.2007 1 as is where is
106749 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON LITHIUS i+ High Reliability and Productivity Coater Developer (5C/5D) 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is
108118 TEL Tokyo Electron Interface module For Mark8 photoresist coater and developer spares 01.12.1995 1 as is where is immediately
108210 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS High Reliability and Productivity Coater Developer (5C/5D) 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is immediately
108211 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS High Reliability and Productivity Coater Developer (5C/5D) 300 mm 01.06.2007 1 as is where is
108605 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT 8 Photoresist coater and developer track with 3C and 3D 200 mm 01.09.2001 1 as is where is immediately
108606 TEL Tokyo Electron I/F Block (Mark8 - i11D) Track interface block for Nikon i11D 200 mm 01.05.1997 1 as is where is
108936 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON Lithius Photoresist Coater and Developer Track 300 mm 01.04.2004 1 as is where is
108937 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON Lithius Photoresist Coater and Developer Track 300 mm 01.06.2007 1 as is where is
108966 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT 12 DOUBLE BLOCK TRACK with 3 PCT, 1 COT, 4 DEV, R to L 200 mm 01.06.2018 1 inquire immediately
109244 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK ACT 12 Multi Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
109245 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK ACT 12 Single Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
109526 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON ACT12 (4C4D) PHOTORESIST COATER AND DEVELOPER TRACK 300mm 01.06.2010 1 as is where is
110638 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark8 Lithography Coater and Developer with 2c, 2d 150 mm 1 as is where is
110666 TEL Tokyo Electron Interface module For Mark7 photoresist coater and developer spares 01.07.1997 1 as is where is immediately
110693 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON Mark 8 Polyimide Cure Track 200 mm 01.06.2009 1 as is where is immediately
110698 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON Mark 5 Photoresist Track 150 mm 01.06.1991 1 as is where is immediately
110752 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT 12 Double Block DUV Photoresist Coater and Developer Track 300 mm 01.01.2009 1 as is where is immediately
111907 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK ACT 8 SINGLE BLOCK Single Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 200mm 1 as is where is
111908 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK ACT 8 SINGLE BLOCK Single Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 200mm 1 as is where is
111909 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK ACT 12 Multi Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111910 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK ACT 12 Multi Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111911 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK ACT 12 Single Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111913 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK ACT 12 Single Block (Resist Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111914 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK ACT 12 Single Block (Resist Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111915 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK ACT 12 Single Block (Resist Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111916 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK ACT 12 Single Block (Resist Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111919 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK LITHIUS MULTI BLOCK Multi Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111920 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK LITHIUS MULTI BLOCK Multi Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111921 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK LITHIUS MULTI BLOCK Multi Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111922 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK LITHIUS MULTI BLOCK Multi Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111926 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK LITHIUS MULTI BLOCK Multi Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111927 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK LITHIUS Pro Multi Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
111928 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON CLEAN TRACK LITHIUS Pro Multi Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300mm 1 as is where is
112304 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12 Dual Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2004 1 as is where is
112305 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12 Dual Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is
112306 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12 Dual Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2009 1 as is where is
112307 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12 Dual Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2011 1 as is where is
112308 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12 Single Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2007 1 as is where is
112309 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12 Single Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is
112310 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12 Single Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2004 1 as is where is
112311 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12 Single Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112312 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT8 Dual Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.2002 1 as is where is
112313 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT8 Dual Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.2000 1 as is where is
112314 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT8 Dual Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1999 1 as is where is
112315 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT8 Dual Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.2001 1 as is where is
112316 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT8 Dual Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1998 1 as is where is
112317 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT8 Single Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.2004 1 as is where is
112318 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT8 Single Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.2014 1 as is where is
112319 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT8 Single Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.2001 1 as is where is
112320 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT8 Single Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112321 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT8 Single Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.2018 1 as is where is
112339 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2007 1 as is where is
112340 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
112341 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is
112342 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is
112343 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is
112344 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
112345 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
112346 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2004 1 as is where is
112347 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2004 1 as is where is
112348 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
112349 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
112350 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
112351 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
112352 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
112353 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
112354 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
112355 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is
112356 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS i+ Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is
112357 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS i+ Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2008 1 as is where is
112358 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Pro-i Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2007 1 as is where is
112359 TEL Tokyo Electron LITHIUS Pro-i Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 01.06.2010 1 as is where is
112360 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112361 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112362 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112363 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112364 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112365 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112366 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112367 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112368 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112369 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112370 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112371 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112372 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112373 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112374 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112375 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112376 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112377 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112378 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112379 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1994 1 as is where is
112380 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1995 1 as is where is
112381 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1996 1 as is where is
112382 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark7 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1993 1 as is where is
112383 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark8 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112384 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark8 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 1 as is where is
112385 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark8 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1998 1 as is where is
112386 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark8 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1996 1 as is where is
112387 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark8 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1997 1 as is where is
112388 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark8 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1996 1 as is where is
112389 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark8 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1997 1 as is where is
112390 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark8 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1998 1 as is where is
112391 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark8 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1997 1 as is where is
112392 TEL Tokyo Electron Mark8 Photoresist coater and developer track 200 mm 01.06.1997 1 as is where is
112590 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON ACT 8 Single Block Photoresist Coater and Developer with 1C, 3D, R to L, ASML, i-line 200 mm SMIF 01.06.2001 1 as is where is immediately
112591 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON ACT 8 Single Block Photoresist Coater and Developer with 2C, 2D, R to L, ASML, i-line 200 mm SMIF 01.06.2000 1 as is where is immediately
112592 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON ACT 8 Single Block Photoresist Coater and Developer with 2C, 2D, R to L, ASML, i-line 200 mm SMIF 01.06.2001 1 as is where is immediately
112593 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON ACT 8 Single Block Photoresist Coater and Developer with 1C, 3D, R to L, ASML, i-line 200 mm SMIF 01.06.1999 1 as is where is immediately
112594 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON ACT 8 Single Block Photoresist Coater and Developer with 1C, 3D, R to L, ASML, i-line 200 mm SMIF 01.06.2000 1 as is where is immediately
112595 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON ACT 8 Dual Block Photoresist Coater and Developer with 2C, 4D, R to L, ASML, i-line 200 mm SMIF 01.04.2000 1 as is where is immediately
112596 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON ACT 8 Dual Block Photoresist Coater and Developer with 2C, 4D, R to L, ASML, i-line 200 mm SMIF 01.04.2000 1 as is where is immediately
112597 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON ACT 8 Single Block Photoresist Coater and Developer with 1C, 3D, R to L, ASML, i-line 200 mm SMIF 01.04.2000 1 as is where is immediately
112598 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON ACT 8 Dual Block Photoresist Coater and Developer with 3C, 3D, R to L, ASML, i-line 200 mm SMIF 01.04.2000 1 as is where is immediately
113166 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON LITHIUS 3C/2D 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is
113169 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON LITHIUS Photoresist Coater AND Developer Track (5C/5D) 300 mm 01.06.2007 1 as is where is
113171 TEL TOKYO ELECTRON LITHIUS i+ Photoresist Coater AND Developer Track (5C/5D) for Nikon S609B immersion scanner 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is
113187 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT 8 Single block DUV photo track with I/F for Nikon EX14, L to R flow 200 mm 01.06.2001 2 as is where is immediately
113188 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT 8 Single block DUV photo track with I/F for Nikon S204, L to R flow 200 mm 01.06.2001 1 as is where is immediately
113252 TEL Tokyo Electron CLEAN TRACK LITHIUS SINGLE BLOCK Photoresist coater and developer track 300 mm 1 as is where is
113642 TEL Tokyo Electron Clean Track Mk VIII, WEE i-line photolithography coater and developer track 150 mm 01.06.1997 1 as is where is immediately
113646 TEL Tokyo Electron Clean Track MVII Coater 150 mm 01.06.1995 1 as is where is
113647 TEL Tokyo Electron Clean Track MVII Coater 150 mm 01.06.1995 1 as is where is
114186 TEL Tokyo Electron CLEAN TRACK LITHIUS Pro Multi Block (Resist Coater/Developer) 300 mm 1 as is where is
112992 YES YES 3 Dryer Vacuum Bake Oven 1 as is where is
112993 YES YES 310 HMDS Vapor Prime & Image Reversal 1 as is where is
112994 YES YES 6 Polyimide Bake Oven/Vacuum Cure Oven 1 as is where is
112995 YES YES-450PB8-2P-FR Polyimide Bake Oven/Vacuum Cure Oven 1 as is where is
112996 YES YES-6112R Vacuum Bake/Vapor Prime 1 as is where is
112997 YES YES-6P BAKE DRYER OVEN 1 as is where is
109616 Yield Engineering 58 HMDS Vapor Prime Oven 1 inquire
109617 Yield Engineering 15F HMDS Vapor Prime Oven 1 inquire
109619 Yield Engineering 15 HMDS Vapor Prime Oven 150 mm 1 inquire
109621 Yield Engineering 58SM HMDS Vapor Prime Oven 150 mm 1 inquire
114001 Yield Engineering 18P Image Reversal Oven 1 inquire
114002 Yield Engineering 450PB6 Polyimide Bake Oven 150 mm 1 inquire
114003 Yield Engineering YES-III HMDS Vapor Prime Oven 1 inquire
112998 Yield Engineerng Sys LP III M5 HMDS Vapor Prime Oven 1 as is where is
112999 Yield Engineerng Sys LPIII-M5 Drying Oven 1 as is where is

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