
Used and Pre-Owned FPD AMOLED Equipment for sale by fabsurplus.com

Please find below a list of used FPD Flat Panel Display manufacturing equipment for sale by fabsurplus.com . Click on any listed item of used FPD equipment to see further data. Flat-panel displays are thin panels of glass or plastic used for displaying text, images, or video. Liquid crystal displays (LCD), OLED (organic light emitting diode) and microLED displays have different characteristics and principles of operation. LCD uses a liquid crystal that reacts to an electric current attenuating light or allowing it to pass through , whereas OLED/microLED displays are made of electroluminescent organic/inorganic materials that generate light when a current is passed through. LCD, OLED and microLED displays are driven using LTPS, IGZO, LTPO, and A-Si TFT transistor technologies using ITO to supply current to the transistors and in turn to the liquid crystal or electroluminescent material. Segment and passive OLED and LCD displays do not use a backplane but use indium tin oxide (ITO), a transparent conductive material, to pass current to the electroluminescent material or liquid crystal.OLEDs, LCDs and microLEDs can be flexible and transparent, but LCDs require a backlight.

SDI ID Manufacturer Model Description Version Vintage Q. ty Sales Conditions Lead Time
84766 AKT NAR 1800/8 G6 ITO Vertical In-line Sputtering Machine for LCD / TFT panel G6 730 mm x 920 mm (G6) 30.11.2013 1 as is where is immediately
108712 AKT 1600 PECVD Gen 2 PECVD deposition system Gen 2 01.05.2005 1 inquire immediately
110670 Complete G5.5 Flat Panel Display Production line 1300mm x 1500mm 01.06.2004 1021 as is where is immediately
110671 Complete G6 Flat Panel Display Production line 1500mm x 1850mm 01.06.2006 920 as is where is immediately
110672 Complete G6 Flat Panel Display Production line 1500mm x 1850mm 01.06.2005 1 as is where is immediately

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