
Pre-owned and used Ovens and Clean Room Ovens for sale by fabsurplus.com

Please find below a list of Used , surplus and pre-owned Ovens and Clean Room Ovens for sale by fabsurplus.com .Click on any listed Oven to see further data.

SDI ID Manufacturer Model Description Version Vintage Q. ty Sales Conditions Lead Time
2669 Angelantoni T600 TU5 Large Clean-room Oven with internal blowers FACILITIES 01.07.1995 1 as is where is immediately
10637 Angelantoni T600 TUS Large Clean-room Oven with internal blowers FACILITIES 01.05.1995 1 inquire immediately
106427 Blue M CC-13-C-P-B Blue M CC-13-C-P-B 150 mm/200 mm 1 as is where is
113724 Blue M dcc-206c WET ETCH Bake blueM oven 150 mm 01.06.2001 1 as is where is
113725 Blue M dcc-206c WET ETCH Bake blueM oven 150 mm 01.06.2001 1 as is where is
109032 DDM Novastar 1800HT Reflow Oven SMT 1 as is where is immediately
108065 ESPEC STPH-101 OVEN OVEN 1 as is where is
113567 Memmert Cleanroom dryoven Parts cleaner 150 mm 1 as is where is
113568 Memmert Cleanroom dryoven Parts cleaner 150 mm 1 as is where is
113569 Memmert Cleanroom dryoven Parts cleaner 150 mm 1 as is where is
113572 Memmert Memmert Venticell Parts cleaner 150 mm 1 as is where is
113573 Memmert Cleanroom dryoven Parts cleaner 150 mm 1 as is where is
113574 Memmert Cleanroom dryoven Parts cleaner 150 mm 1 as is where is
113575 Memmert Cleanroom dryoven Parts cleaner 150 mm 1 as is where is
106533 Sikama Falcon 8500 REFLOW OVEN SMT 01.06.2015 1 as is where is immediately
108611 Vision Semicon VSP-88A(H) Oven 200 mm 01.05.2005 1 as is where is immediately
108612 Vision Semicon VSP-88H Oven 200 mm 01.05.2005 1 as is where is immediately
108613 Vision Semicon VSP-88H Oven 200 mm 01.05.2007 1 as is where is immediately

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