
Pre-owned FAB RTP rapid thermal processing Equipment for sale by fabsurplus.com

Please find below a list of Used RTP or rapid thermal processing Equipment for sale by fabsurplus.com .Click on any listed item of RTP Equipment to see further data.

SDI ID Manufacturer Model Description Version Vintage Q. ty Sales Conditions Lead Time
108795 AET TECHNOLOGIES Four de Recuit Rapide RTP Tool 1 inquire
108796 AG ASSOCIATES Heatpulse 410 Benchtop RTP Tool 1 inquire immediately
103515 Applied Materials Vantage Hybrid RTP cluster tool with Server OS Type 300 mm 01.12.2014 1 as is where is immediately
112082 Applied Materials Centura 4.0 Radiance RTP with 2 x Radiance Plus Toxic ATM chambers 300 mm 01.06.2001 1 as is where is
112083 Applied Materials Centura 4.0 Radiance RTP with 2 x Radiance Plus Toxic ATM chambers 300 mm 01.06.2002 1 as is where is
112605 Applied Materials Centura RTP XE+ RTP system with TPCC XE+ RP AB: Gate-ox (DPN+RTO);C:Singen Spacer 200 mm 01.06.2000 1 as is where is immediately
113032 Applied Materials VANTAGE RADIANCE RTP 300 mm 01.06.2002 1 as is where is
113191 Applied Materials Vantage RadOx RTP 300 mm 1 as is where is
110617 Applied Materials ® 0190-33289 RTP CHAMBER LAMP spares 183 as is where is immediately
108901 Axcelis Rapid Cure320FC Radiator UV anneal System 300 mm 01.05.2007 1 as is where is immediately
98281 MATTSON HELIOS RTP 300 mm 31.01.2006 1 as is where is immediately
108184 MATTSON MILLIOS Rapid Thermal Anneal 300 mm 01.06.2011 1 as is where is immediately
108910 Mattson AST3000 RTP 200 mm 01.09.2002 1 as is where is immediately
112237 Mattson AST3000 RTP 12-inch wafer rapid thermal processing equipment 300 mm 01.06.2007 1 as is where is
112238 Mattson Helios RTP 200 mm 01.06.2009 1 as is where is
112239 Mattson Millios RTP 300 mm 01.06.2012 1 as is where is
113095 MATTSON HELIOS RTP 300 mm 01.06.2010 1 as is where is
113096 MATTSON HELIOS RTP 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is
112599 Mattson/Steag SHS 2800 Rapid Thermal Anneal 200 mm SMIF 01.06.1999 1 as is where is immediately
113896 OEM HEATPULSE 4100 TF RTP ANNEALING 150 mm 01.06.1994 1 as is where is
113897 OEM HEATPULSE 4100 TF RTP ANNEALING 150 mm 01.06.1994 1 as is where is
113898 OEM HEATPULSE 4100 TF RTP ANNEALING-R&D 150 mm 01.06.1996 1 as is where is
106304 Ultratech LSA100A Laser Spike Anneal 300 mm 01.06.2006 1 as is where is immediately
106756 WAFER MASTERS SAO-302LP TSV Cu Anneal 300 mm 01.06.2000 1 as is where is immediately

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